Design Technology

Design Technology


In teaching Design Technology at St John’s CE Primary School we aim to prepare our pupils for a rapidly changing society. Through mainly practical, process based activities we will develop the skills of designing, making and evaluating products.


Design Technology can easily be recognised and developed within a Christian ethos. The Bible speaks of God the Creator and as we were made in his image, each human being shares creative qualities and talents to some degree or another. In Design Technology we can encourage pupils to both think and construct creatively for both themselves and a wider audience.



  • To help develop the social skills necessary to work as part of a team, as well as the ability to work independently when the situation demands.
  • To engage the interests of all learners and help sustain their motivation and enjoyment of learning.
  • To develop Design Technology through combining the children’s designing and making skills together with their knowledge and understanding in order to design and make products.
  • To give children the opportunities and experiences to develop their ideas.
  • To teach practical skills and to work with a wide range of materials, including food.
  • To teach practical skills and to work with a wide range of tools, developing awareness of safety.
  • To develop the ability to identify hazards and risks and take appropriate action.
  • To become aware of the impact of Design Technology and its contribution to the quality of life.
  • To use and develop pupils knowledge and skills in other subjects, through their designing and making activities.
  • To accumulate DT skills from Foundation stage to Year 6.
  • Through Design Technology activities we aim to enhance the speaking and listening skills of our pupils.
  • In working towards the quality of design children need to be encouraged to evaluate how effectively their product is at meeting its purpose and the quality of its manufacture.

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