Chaffinch Class

Chaffinch Class

Welcome to Our Chaffinch Class Page!


This term we will be using Micheal Morpurgo’s Beowulf tale to inspire our writing. We will be focusing and developing our skills and learning so far to apply to writing recounts from the novel and our narrative writing,  finishing the term with a historical piece of writing linked to our geography studies of Western Europe. We will be looking at alliteration, literal similes for comparison and the use of exaggeration and rhetorical questions to persuade. We will also identify tricolons and look at the use of onomatopoeia in poetry.


In Maths we are continuing with fractions this term. We will look at unit and non-unit fractions then at solving fraction problems involving unit and non-unit fractions, Recognizing and representing equivalent fractions (small denominators), unit and non-unit fractions Counting in steps of 4, 8, 10, 50, and 100 and at counting in tenths (fractions and decimals). We will be adding and subtracting fractions within one whole (same denominator) and Comparing fractions (same denominator).


This unit introduces key knowledge of rocks including their appearance and simple physical properties. We will look at and recognize different types of rock. We will learn how geologists work to find out more about rocks on Earth and beyond. by looking at some of the things that geologists might study, such as the properties of rocks, the composition of rocks, and what rocks can tell us about life on earth long ago. We will learn that fossils form when things that have lived are trapped within rock and how this process allows us to learn about plants and animals from thousands and millions of years ago.


This unit builds on from the ‘Kings and Queens’ unit in Year 1 and explores in more detail some of the significant people and events that took place in the Middle Ages, such as the sealing of the Magna Carta in 1215 and Simon de Montfort’s ‘Parliament’. The children will be looking at the relationships between Henry II, Richard I, John I, and Henry III. We will look at the power struggle between the monarchy, the church, and the people during the Middle Ages. We will also analyze some of the significant changes that took place during this period and will also look at the Holy Wars and learn about Richard I and Sultan Saladin.


This term in Geography the children will be building on their understanding of the seven continents from Year 1, and Northern Europe from Year 2 and will look in more detail at Western Europe. Within this unit, children will use maps of Western Europe to identify key countries and key physical features. They will use maps to explore the location of countries such as France, Germany and the Netherlands, recognizing physical features such as peninsulas, mountains, and rivers. To conclude this unit, children will learn about France.


Art in year 3 this term will be built on knowledge of architecture that children have gained in year 1. It starts by revising what architecture means and what an architect does and goes onto an in-depth study of the Parthenon. This study allows consideration of the importance of this building in its influence on architectural design throughout history. The children will spend three lessons designing and making sculptures in relief, developing their own knowledge of working with clay. They will also look at architectural features.


Music will be based on developing our voices in learning different songs, we will start with Bringing us together a song about peace and unity.


Our topic for R.E. this term is Judaism. They will work creatively to enhance their learning experience. They will find out where Judaism originated, about special places linked to Judaism and about key festivals in Jewish life. The children will also learn about symbols in Judaism, the Jewish holy book and the main beliefs held by Jews.


In PSHE year 3 will be learning about healthy lifestyles, this unit explores the choices children can make about looking after their bodies. The lessons look at making safer choices about their bodies, sleep and exercise, diet, cleanliness and substances. Children will learn facts about each of these areas and learn strategies on how to manage them.                                                             


Our focus in P.E. will be to improve the accuracy and consistency of our ball-handling skills. We will apply a range of ball-handling skills into small, sided games, we will also observe and evaluate ball-handling skills focusing on effective performance within skill practices and small-sided games.


The children will be developing their skills using purple mash and building on e-mail skills. We will be looking at communication and the composition of emails, as well as internet safety and e-mail safety.

In our class you will find:

Class Teacher: Mrs Braisby

HLTA: Mrs Rodda

Teaching Assistants:  Mrs Cox

Contact Us:

Our PE days will be: Tuesday

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