Chaffinch Class

Chaffinch Class

Welcome to Our Chaffinch Class Page!


This term we will be focusing on the text: The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman.

The children will learn about different sentence types and how to incorporate them into their writing to help to build description. They will be writing instructions, biographies, narrative pieces and letters. We will also be writing an explanation report linked to History. We will also be developing our vocabulary, comprehension skills and practising handwriting.


In Maths we will be learning and practice the four basic operations in mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations are fundamental to understanding more advanced math concepts. 


In Science we will be learning about light. The children will be learning that we need light to be able to see, about transparent and opaque objects, that mirrors can reflect light in different ways. They will also carry out an investigation about how our shadows change throughout the day.  


We will be learning about The Anglo Saxons, the Scots and the Vikings. The children will be learning about what it would have been like to live during these times.


This term in Geography the children will learning about rivers. They will learn about that rivers have a source and journey to the sea.  They will identify rivers in around the world.  


We will be learning about art of Ancient Egypt. The children will explore that the Ancient Egyptians created different pieces of art. They will learn about the Great Sphinx, that the Ancient Egyptians made the first paper called papyrus and that they used art to show what they believed in.


This half term the children will be studying Vivaldi’s Winter. The children will learn that Vivaldi wrote four violin concertos called The Four Seasons and that these are examples of ‘programme’ music. They will also know that we can use symbols to represent pitch.


In RE we will be focusing on the theme of Incarnation which focuses on the belief that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became human to live among people.


We will be thinking about E-Safety and the importance of me and my online identity.  


We will be, linked to our PSHE learning, focusing on Online Safety. 

In our class you will find:

Class Teacher: Mrs Braisby

HLTA: Miss Bradley

Teaching Assistants:  Mrs Allison

Contact Us:

Our PE days will be: Monday

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