Duckling Class

Duckling Class

Welcome to Our Duckling Class Page!


In year 1, we are recapping exploring number, specifically counting and the value of numbers. After this we will be learning about fractions and sharing objects/ amounts into equal amounts. In Spring 2, we will be looking at position and movement, followed by measuring.  


We are focussing on the story Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. We are learning to sequence a story and retell it using dictated sentences, to help us recap full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. We will then be moving onto Hansel and Gretel, learning to retell stories and write instructions. In Spring 2 we will be reading the texts The Emperor’s new clothes and The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson.

Guided Reading

In Guided Reading, we will be reading a selection of stories over the course of the Spring term as a class. We will be learning the terminology of the vocabulary in the text and answering questions based on what is being said or done, with some prediction work to.


In R.E. we are focusing on Sikh stories; looking at the meaning behind them and why they are important to Sikhs. In Spring 2, we will be focussing on salvation and look specifically at the death of Jesus and what it means to us and Christians.


We are beginning spring 1 with the topic ‘Weather and Season, we will be looking at the different seasons and how we track weather. In Spring 2, we will be learning about taking care of the earth: how we can look after it and the problems the earth is facing.  


Our geography unit of The United Kingdom will take place in spring 1. We will be exploring the different countries within the United Kingdom. Identifying them on maps and exploring the flags, as well as landmarks.


Our history unit of Kings, Queens, and Leaders will take place in spring 2. We will be looking at monarchs throughout History and the impact they had.


In art, we are starting the year with the topic ‘architecture’, we will be looking at the design of different building and designing aspects of our own buildings. We will then move onto the topic of narratives in art and how pictures are used by artists to tell stories.


In P.E. we will be joined by Huntingdon County Council Sports Activity Officers, who will teach the children key aspects of P.E. and healthy lifestyles. Our P.E. day is Thursday, so please ensure long hair is tied up, no jewellery is worn. We will be getting outside as much as possible, so please remember trainers and warm clothes as we get into the winter months.


We are looking at managing safety and risk and talking about friendships and safe adults, as well as creating ‘safe circles’. In spring 2, we will be learning about our digital footprint and being safe online.


In music we will be creating animals through music and then Ostinato 1


We will be sewing animal sock puppets. We will be using basic running stitch to create theses.


This will link back to our PSHE, as we will be learning how to keep ourselves safe online. We will then be linking to creating programs. 

In our class you will find:

Class Teacher:  Miss Prichard

HLTA: Miss Bradley

Contact Us:

Our PE day will be:  Thursday

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