This term we will be focusing on the text: Stig of the Dump by Clive King.
The children will learn about different sentence types and how to incorporate them into their writing to help to build description. They will be writing character descriptions, biographies and diary entries and will ultimately be writing an explanation report linked to Geography. We will also be developing our vocabulary, comprehension skills and practising handwriting.
This term in Maths we will be calculating with money and measures. We will be subtracting, adding, converting, measuring and comparing different measurements and monetary values. We will then be developing our quick recall skills with our times tables as we move on to multiplication and division. We will be combining and partitioning as we multiply and divide looking at the use of arrays and other resources as we solve multiplication and division problems including word problems.
In Science we will be learning about cycles in nature. The children will be studying patterns, trends and cycles that occur throughout the seasons, in the life of plants and in the life of animals. Children will understand that the tilt of the earth creates our seasons.
We will be learning about Ancient Egypt. The children will look at Ancient Egypt’s hierarchal society. They will also learn about what it would have been like to live in Egypt at the time- looking at how archaeologists have been able to find out about the food they ate, the clothes they wore, the houses they lived in and the jobs they did. The learning will also focus on fascinating Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs.
This term in Geography the children will be introduce to settlements. They will look back to ancient times when humans were nomadic hunter gatherers and will link to their learning in history about Ancient Egypt and people settling along the Nile to farm. They will begin to reflect on the settlements we have today and why they were first built. They will learn that rivers were an important resource for travelling and transporting goods in the past and that many cities grew around a river.
We will be learning about still life and form. The children will explore how artists use different techniques to show the form of an object. They will practise using different pencil techniques to show form and then draw their own still life from observation using cross hatching.
This half term the children will learn that music can have structure/form and texture by studying Pachelbel’s Canon. This famous piece, written for three violins and a ‘cello is a canon built on an ostinato bassline. A canon is where a melody is played and then imitated shortly afterwards by another part.
In RE this half term we will be thinking about creation and different values and perspectives from religions within this.
We will be thinking about citizenship and the importance of working together.
Our focus in P.E. will be Dance. The children will create dance in small groups and begin to evaluate and give feedback on performances. They will be introduced to key elements in their dances including levels, unison, canon, formations, pathways and energy.
We will be developing our touch-typing skills.
Class Teacher: Mrs Chapman
HLTA: Mrs Rodda
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Leite
Contact Us:
Our PE days will be:
St John's CofE Primary School (Cambridgeshire)
Tel: 01480 375026
Email: office@st-johns-pri.cambs.sch.uk
Primary Office Contact Person:
Mrs A Purnell and Miss T Nisbet
School Address:
Sallowbush Road
PE29 7LA
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