Physical Education

Physical Education

At St Johns, we promote and ensure that all children are given the opportunity to take part in inclusive, engaging and adaptive physical activity and to develop their understanding of physical literacy - motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding the value of physical activity for lifelong participation. 


At St John's, every child is individual and the PE curriculum, from the Cambridgeshire Scheme of Work for Physical Education, is tailored to account for this and help develop their fundamental skills and well as expecting the best from all children.


We give the children the opportunity to participate in a variety of sporting contexts (games, dance, gymnastics and swimming) that build upon their skills that allows them to progress up to participating in traditional sport. Children also have the experience to compete whilst displaying the following values: determination, honesty, passion, respect, self-believe and teamwork.


At St John’s we also give a variety of extra curricular sporting clubs to promote healthier lifestyles and develop new and existing skills.


PE Intent Statement

  • Aim to provide a PE curriculum that all pupils from Reception to Year 6 not only enjoy but also allows them to experience a range of activities and skills that help to develop their health, fitness and well-being.
  • Give pupils the opportunity to be physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • Offer a high-quality PE curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in physically-demanding activities, including competitive sport.
  • Create opportunities for pupils to become physically confident, build character, embed values such as fairness and respect and develop essential skills like leadership and teamwork.

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