Eagle Class

Eagle Class

Welcome to Our Eagle Class Page!


This half term Year 6 are starting their final book of the year: Animal Farm by George Orwell. During this half term, we will be spending the first couple of weeks creating a biography about George Orwell, understanding his views on capitalism and communism. We then will have some time to revise some grammar and punctuation before our SATs. 
After SATs, we will come back to Animal Farm and create an alternative perspective short story. Giving the children an opportunity to show their understanding of the text and the character’s motives.


Throughout the half term, both maths groups will be focusing on various reasoning topics on the build up to SATs week. We will be covering a range from: fractions, ratio, mutli-step word problems and angles. Within this, the children will be continuing to practice their arithmetic skills as well.


Spring term involves year 6 exploring the Cold War. This unit allows the children to understand different social constructs that appear across the world and the impact these have on the people living within these countries. This history unit also is supported and complemented by reading Animal Farm in English and we make numerous connections between the two subjects.  


Year 6 are learning about Africa. Throughout the half term children will learn about: desertification, food security, globalisation and ending on a closer look into the country Kenya.


This half term, year 6 will be learning about reproduction of plants and animals. Year 6 will learn the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction in plants; they will also learn about the reproduction of some animals and the difference between external and internal fertilisation.


In the spring term, children will be looking at artist William Morris. We begin by focusing his prints and emulate one of our own. The children will then etch their design into a polystyrene tile and print their own William Morris style piece of work.


Year 6 are focusing on games. We will be hoping to get outside and explore various types of field games including: cricket, rounders and tennis.


This half term we are studying Buddhism. Children will explore the religion and continue to make connections between this religion and others they have learnt about throughout the year. 

In our class you will find:

Class Teacher: Mrs Hase

HLTA: Mrs Courtnell

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Allison

Contact Us: year6@st-johns-pri.cambs.sch.uk

Our PE days will be: Thursday

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