This term, we will be reading Homer’s Odyssey retold by Gillian Cross. The children will explore the character of Odyssey and his adventures while trying to return to Ithaca. They will be consolidating their knowledge of sentence types, using expanded noun phrases and they will use dialogue within a narrative. Additionally, they will apply the features of a biography to write their own based on Gillian Cross. We will continue to develop our range of vocabulary, comprehension skills, handwriting and spelling through phonics.
During this half term in maths, we will be recapping our understanding of place value. We will be ordering and comparing numbers up to 9,999, using numbers in different contexts and revisiting negative number. We will be developing our mental calculations and then we will move on to decimals rounding and multiplying or dividing by 10 and 100. Remembering, of course, to continue to learn our times-tables.
In science this term we will be learning about ecology. The children learn about the life processes that make something ‘alive’ and different habitats. They will explore life cycles and the interdependency of living things within an ecosystem. They will explore human impact on the environment.
We will be learning all about Ancient Rome. We will learn how Rome was founded and grew from a city to a powerful empire. We will explore Roman daily life and the events at Pompeii.
In Geography our focus this term will be on Eastern Europe. The children will learn about the key places, the climate and physical features in Eastern Europe. The children will compare an Eastern European country to the UK.
In Art we will be learning about the importance of design and composition through work by Matisse and Munch. The children will explore the elements (line, shape, space, light, texture and colour) of the art work. They will learn how colour and lines, in art, can express emotion and the children will design their own version of ‘The Scream’.
The children will learn about Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in four movements. They will explore texture, pitch an rhythm within the music. They will identify the ‘fate’ motif and compose their own piece of music.
In R.E. this half term the children will learn about the importance of Muhammad in Islam and some of the events in Muhammad’s life that are important for Muslims today. The children will explore why the Qur’an is fundamental to Muslims and identify the Five Pillars of Islam. They will consider the importance of teaching values and beliefs, for Muslims and non-Muslims.
This half term we will be finding out about Economic Wellbeing. We will consider the different ways to gain and save money. They will learn that there is a range of ways to pay for things and these have consequences. They will explore that the choices made, with money, can have an impact on individuals, families and beyond.
Class Teacher: Mr Smith
HLTA: Miss Chalmers
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cox
Contact Us: year4@st-johns-pri.cambs.sch.uk
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St John's CofE Primary School (Cambridgeshire)
Tel: 01480 375026
Email: office@st-johns-pri.cambs.sch.uk
Primary Office Contact Person:
Mrs A Purnell and Miss T Nisbet
School Address:
Sallowbush Road
PE29 7LA
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