In Year 5 we are continuing with reading the book “The lion, the witch and the wardrobe” by C.S.Lewis. We will be doing a range of writing including a biography and narrative writing.
This term in Maths we will be deepening our learning with fractions and looking at the relationship with between these, decimals and percentages with a range of fluency and problem solving.
This half term’s science topic is forces. Within this topic, we will be looking at a range of different forces and the impact they have, as well as learning about Isaac Newton and his discovery of gravity. We will be exploring forces using a range of experiments.
This term in our History unit we will be moving on to learn about the Transatlantic Slave trade. Within this unit we will be looking at the route that was taken, how the enslaved Africans were enslaved and treated and how slavery was abolished.
In Geography we will be looking at Australia. Within this unit the children will be learning about the physical and human aspect of this Geography which will cover the land usage, the climate, the biodiversity and the settlements.
This half term in Art we will be looking at Chinese painting and ceramics. We will looking at Chinese calligraphy, painting, and the relationship between European and Chinese porcelain.
For this term in music we will be focusing on Beethoven’s Eroica. In this unit the children listen to part of Beethoven’s 3rd symphony, which is known as ‘Eroica’, meaning ‘heroic’. They will be singing, listening, practising and performing.
This half term in Religious Education the children will be looking at the topic of Salvation. Within this, we will look at the death and resurrection of Jesus and the idea of sacrifice.
In PSHE this term we are continuing with Brain Buddies with the children learning to develop understanding their emotions as well as strategies to help them in managing them.
This half term, year 5 will be exploring cricket with a cricket coach and developing all skills included within this.
Class Teacher: Miss Moyle
HLTA: Mrs Courtnell
Teaching Assistants: Miss Bircham
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St John's CofE Primary School (Cambridgeshire)
Tel: 01480 375026
Email: office@st-johns-pri.cambs.sch.uk
Primary Office Contact Person:
Mrs A Purnell and Miss T Nisbet
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Sallowbush Road
PE29 7LA
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