Red Kite Class

Red Kite Class

Welcome to Our Red Kite Class Page!


This term, year 5 are reading the book “Journey to the River Sea” by Eva Ibbotson. We will be doing a range of writing, including a letter written as the character of Maia and some lovely descriptive writing.


Our Maths this half term is mostly around the topic of time. The children will be looking at how to read and interpret information from a timetable, solve problems involving time before finally moving into some more word problems involving measure.


This half term’s science topic is astronomy. The children will be learning about our galaxy and universe, as well as the different stages of the moon.


Following on from our slave trade learning, we will be learning about life during the industrial revolution. This topic leads nicely into our final topic of the year which is the Victorian age.


In geography, we are learning about New Zealand. This topic is a great topic after learning about Australia, because the children are able to make a lot of connections between these two countries.


This half term’s art is a very interesting topic: printmaking! The children will be learning a range of techniques involved in printing, before finally creating a piece of art work using our very own screen printing kits. From previous years of teaching this topic, I can say that the children always thoroughly enjoy this topic!


For the rest of this term, our children in year 5 will be learning the songs for the year 5/6 production.


This half term in Religious Education the children will be exploring the concepts of freedom and salvation through the story of Moses.


Brain Buddies are continuing to visit year 5 this half term, and help the children learn about their emotions as well as providing them with a range of strategies on how to regulate them


This half term, year 5 will be going swimming.

In our class you will find:

Class Teacher: Miss Hall

HLTA: Mrs Courtnell

Teaching Assistants: Miss Hayward

Contact Us:

Our PE days will be: Monday (Swimming)

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