Swallow Class

Swallow Class

Welcome to Our Swallow Class Page!


This term, we have started a new and exciting book called ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. The children will explore the twists and turns of this story and will be learning about sentence types, using adjectives to describe and similes to compare. Additionally, they will learn about foreshadowing, cause and effect as they learn how to write their own fables. We will also be developing our range of vocabulary, comprehension skills and practicing handwriting and spelling through phonics.


This term in Maths we will be continuing to learn all about Angles. We will be first looking at the different types of angles and how we can identify them.  Following this, we will learn all about lines of symmetry and how to categorise shapes using these different properties. We will then go on to further strengthen our knowledge of co-ordinates on a grid through translation. There will of course be a continued strong emphasis on learning times-tables.


In Science this term we will be learning about the water cycle. The children will learn about the different elements within the water cycle and how each stage works. They will also be looking at how the state of water changes throughout.


We will be learning all about the Stuarts. We will dive into the kings and queens of the era and look in their pasts and how they ruled. We will also be learning about the gunpowder plot, the bubonic plague, the union of crowns and treason!


In Geography our focus this term will be on London and Southeast England. The children will learn and understand key physical and human features of London and Southeast England as well as key information about the historical side and origins.


In Art we will be learning all about the different elements of designing Roman buildings . The children will use their knowledge to create their own model of the Pantheon. They are required to interpret and follow instructions, explore how to use different materials, think creatively, find solutions and work successfully with their peers.


This half term we will be combining pulse, rhythm and pitch and enjoying singing songs together.


In Religious Education we will be exploring the Kingdom of God. We will be learning about when Jesus left, what the impact of Pentecost was and making links between the story of the Day of Pentecost and Christian belief about the Kingdom of God on Earth.


We will be learning about drugs education. We will consider how we can be safe and cautious of prescription and non-prescription drugs. We will also be looking at the safely measures we should be taking, such as keeping them in a safe place, looking at dosage and asking adults.


This half term we will learning ball skills! We will be learning how to prefect our throwing and catching skills whilst working on our teamwork and resilience.


We will be re-capping online safety and we will also be working on spreadsheets.

In our class you will find:

Class Teacher: Miss Carroll

HLTA: Mrs Courtnell

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Motak

Contact Us: year4@st-johns-pri.cambs.sch.uk

Our PE days will be: Wednesday

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